Handstripping – An introduction for pet groomers to the art of handstripping


Handstripping for beginners.

This is 2 videos -3 hours in total,  that cover the basics of handstripping for pet groomers. You will learn why we do it, how it’s done, and the science behind it. I also walk you through the tools that are used and when/how to use them and how to plan your work.
This is not about breed-specific styling  -this is a manual about the technique. The video also includes suggestions on how often to different breeds and when to start the process.
This is based on my experience dealing with handstripped dogs of different breeds, as a pet and show groomer, for almost 30 years.

Also included in the price is a 34 pages EBook that repeats the info from the videos so that you have the information saved in written format as well.